Tiny Little World

IMG 1842
When in North Dakota you're not too surprised if you run into a few people that you know. You might be in Bismarck at a hotel and run into someone you didn't know was going to be there. This doesn't rock your world though, because it's North Dakota and these things happen all the time. I'll come back to this idea.

Before I came to Peru I knew that one of my Spanish professors, Kemerly Moorhouse, would be also be here this summer. She brings students from U Mary down every summer because she's a Spanish professor and native of Peru. Thinking that it would be cool to meet up with her and her students, we talked ahead of time to figure out when they would all be in Peru. It turned out that they were around the beginning of this week and part of last week.

They invited Brandon and I out to dinner with them last Sunday. We were to first meet them at their hotel and then walk to restaurant.

Once we got to the hotel we waited a little bit before my professor appeared. And shortly after my professor appeared… SO DID MATT JOHNSON, who part of my professor's group of students (I found out). I couldn't believe it. Remember when we talked about running into people in North Dakota. The same ins't supposed to apply to Peru. There are just too many people, plus it's in South America where North Dakotans are a novelty.

It was great to see people from home and our dinner of calzones was fantastic, even if it did take an hour for us to get our food. The calzones and company made up for the wait.


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